Thursday, September 14, 2006


Weeks 5 & 6

The Common Cold is a terrible thing.

Last week, I was laid low by this common viral infection. Due to an inherent weakness of mine, I still have my tonsils, I was miserable and unable to swallow without pain for about 6 days. This is was a good and bad thing at once. Bad, because it hurt, dammit! Good, because I didn't eat much while it lasted, especially during a time when most of what I was doing was laying around reading or sleeping.

Everything is pretty much back to normal now, but because of the break in the workout routine, Week 6 is a repeat of Week 4. The Cold did indeed effect my physical performance. Monday's workout was difficult. I only got through 2 cycles before I had to stop and the cardio section was only 30 minutes. Thank goodness, yesterday's workout was as specified.

Another thing of note. I noticed yesterday that Vitamin supplements should not be taken until 4 hours after taking Synthroid. I'm assuming this is because it makes the uptake of the hormone less effective. Well, guess what I've been doing? Have changed vitamin time to lunch. Hopefully this change will speed things up even more.

Measurements since Week 4

Waist: -2cm
Hips: -2.5cm
Upper Thigh: -1cm

Weight: somewhere around 142.

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