Monday, August 14, 2006


Week 2

Thought of something I should add to the breakdown, bodyfat percentage, uggh!

Weight this morning - 144.2

Bodyfat - 30.2% (6% increase since beginning of the year)

Increased weights and length of cardio segment. Squats are signifcantly easier but lunges are still killing me. Ran up and down my stairs 5 times for warm-up

overhead press - 13#s @ 12 reps

15 squats

bicept curls - 13#s @ 12 reps

12 lunges each side

overhead tricept push - 8#s @ 12 reps

Inner/outer thigh @ 12 reps

Repeat 3 times

walked for 25 minutes

total workout time = 50 minutes heartrate throughout 155-165bpms

The little niggling voice of doubt was talking this morning. Saying, Thyroid, thyroid, thyroid. You'll never get rid of this weight. But then I remembered how resistant my metabolism was last time,(my trainer actual said I had the most resistant metabolism she had seen in over 10 years of training) so chances are the thyroid thing was with me then. Kicking my metabolism into a higher gear should be easier this time because I am actually treating the hormonal imbalance now. Feel very focused. School starts Wednesday. Yea!

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